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Welcome to Rupublicrat
Published on January 20, 2005 By
Welcome to Republicrat. I hope this blog becomes a forum for great debate. Feel free to comment or just check in on the madness.
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Welcome to Rupublicrat
The Left Bank
on Jan 21, 2005
"Mr. Chief Justice, Mr. Vice President, my friends, you will understand and, I believe, agree with my wish that the form of this inauguration be simple and its words brief."
These are the words of Franklin Roosevelt after being sworn in during during WWII. It is a long cry from Bush's unprecedented 50 million dollar corporate smooze fest that Bush put on while people are dying. But this they have defined as "mainstream America." Other values include a war that now 60% of the American People feel isn't worth fighting, gutting social security, and how can we forget the great American value of putting Republican staffers on a bus to Palm Beach county and have them kick down doors to stop the people's votes from being counted. Every poll shoes that the American People are with the Democrats on such issues as the environment, health care, social security and even abortion.
But the political climate dicates that if you hold people accountable for things such as torture, and lying about reasons to send our troops to war you are painted as an "extremist" and a "wacko." But hey nothing is as American as grand corporate balls and armored limousines while our troops don't have what they need.
And then there is that crazy liberal Howard Dean: who believes in such liberal nonsense as balanced budgets, gun rights, and health care for every American. He knows that the way back is standing up for what's right and creating a social infrastructure. Think about it, when the Republican were crushed in 64, was the solution to turn left? Its ridiculous. Becoming Republicans will not help the Democrats beat the Republicans, especially when the important issues are on our side. The party is a big tent, and the debate on who will lead is going on now.
Like Harry Truman said, "You run a Republican against a Republican, the real Republican will win every time"
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